Our Mission
To serve as a trail alliance in developing and communicating a first class trail system in the Hamilton Burlington region, which promotes the health benefits of recreational trail use to residents and visitors while conserving our valuable natural ecosystems.
Goals & Objectives
- Facilitate trail development, linkages and networks and trail accessibility for all people
- Assist the Hamilton and Burlington region hosting a well connected, heavily used, and easily accessible trail system
- Foster effective communication between trail users and stakeholders
- Advocate for the needs of citizens in regards to trails and pathways
- Advocate for trail funding and development
- Provide a forum to discuss harmonized trail rules, trail issues and classification schemes
- Provide fully comprehensive and up to date trail information and mapping
The HBTC will ensure that all trails in Hamilton Burlington are recognized world-wide as the best examples of community accessible, community supported, integrated and upwardly mobile in the use of best practice, environmental conservation, progressive recreation and sustainable tourism.
Board of Directors
Michael MacDonald- Vice President at Iroquoia Bruce Trail and National Administrative Manager at Vector Marketing. Michael’s areas of expertise include: Corporate communications, budget planning/management, business analytics, finance, public speaking, event Management and social media.
Vice Chair
Dr. Matthew Adams- Background is in environmental analysis. Matthew is currently the founding Executive Director of Geographers Without Borders, a Canadian not-for-profit corporation that is focused on connecting people to places for social equality. Matthew maintains research interests in air, soil and water pollution, human-environmental pollution exposure, sustainable transportation, and environmental monitoring. His PhD research focused on modelling air pollution health risks, which he conducted in the Centre for Spatial Analysis at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Matthew regularly acts as a peer-reviewer for a number of scientific publications, he was awarded SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship during his PhD, and has received a number of accolades related to GIS.
Joel Konik- Joel brings a strong corporate financial background to the board. He completed his Bachelors degree in Environmental Resources & Economics at University of Waterloo and went on to roles at Enbridge Gas and Presto in reporting and financial analyst roles. Later, Joel spent some time as a species at risk biologist at Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Joel has spent the past 5 years at the Hamilton Conservation Authority where he the Grants Officer.
Wayne Terryberry- Outdoor Recreation Coordinator at McMaster University, Chair of Cootes to Escarpment EcoPark System, McMaster Presidents Advisory Committee on Natural Lands board member and past chair. Wayne is also Vice President of Ontario Trails Council. Wayne’s areas of expertise include: leadership and team building, outdoor recreation, environmental history, volunteer and staff management.