Hamilton will be one of the 120 municipalities to receive funding from the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program. The City of Hamilton has been approved for $3,707,934! Exciting things to come!
Author: Hamilton Burlington Trails
Register Now for 2017 Hike-A-Thon!
Bring out your family, friends, pets or colleagues and get hiking in support of Hamilton Burlington Trails Council. This event also includes a post hike marshmallow roast!! For more information and to register, please visit our Eventbrite page. Pledge form: [embeddoc url=”http://hamiltonburlingtontrails.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Hike-A-Thon-Pledge-form-Doc.pdf” download=”all”] Event Directions: [embeddoc url=”http://hamiltonburlingtontrails.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Altitude-B4-Directions-to-McMaster-Altitude-Facilites.pdf” download=”all”]
Big news RE fines for careless drivers causing death
See article from Globe and Mail here: https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/ontario-tables-50000-fines-for-careless-drivers-causing-death/article36318565/
As part of HBTC’s Y.E.S. Trails project, we have planned monthly trails activities! FREE FUN FOR ALL AGES!