2015-2016 HBTC Trail Survey

About the 2015-2016 Trail Use Survey

The 2015-2016 Trail Use Survey project was a joint initiative of the Hamilton-Burlington Trails Council (HBTC) and McMaster University. The survey aimed to assist in the design of an effective urban trail network.

These surveys gathered information on the Who, How, Where and Why of local trail use. Who is using the trails? What modes of transportation are being used on the trails or to get to the trails? Where are trail users trying to get to? Why are community members choosing to use trails? The surveys also gathered community input on the local trails in order to determine areas of trail improvement. Ultimately, this information will be used to facilitate policy decision-making for the development and planning of an effectively designed regional trail and urban greenway network.





Thank you to our volunteers who spent hours out and about speaking with trail users. Also, thank you for MEC for providing us with a product donation to reward our valuable volunteers!


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